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Property Condition Check

You can retain your investment values and grow your equities by periodically doing property condition checks & necessary upkeepments. And you need someone who knows to do it professionally to get you the best out of it. You must protect your investment by proper maintainanace & care. How do you do that ? We are here to help you. We do the following on regular basis.

"Pre-Tenancy" Move-in Checks
Before tenant moves in your property, we do a walk-thru inspection to take note of the property's current condition prior to move-in. After this inspection, we consult with you to determine what items may need to be repaired or improved. We make sure that the property is safe for living, to safeguard you from legal implications We recommend only the needed repairs & improvements to optimize owner's expense.

"During Tenancy" Interior Checks
We also do conduct interior checks on a regular interval or when it's warranted to make sure that there is no violations.
Also we remind tenants to fix the repair or damages which they are responsible for.

"During tenancy" Exterior Checks
We do conduct exterior checks by our drive-by inspection to look for neglectful actions or noticeable violations like, broken windows, improper lawn care, and any other signs that indicates the property is not being maintained by tenant properly.

"Post Tenancy" Move-out Checks
Once tenant decides to move out of the property , we do conduct final move-out inventory check inspection alongwith tenants, so that we can prepare a Move-Out report with notes on all damages, missing items, repair needs etc. duly signed by tenant. This report helps to determine if tenant will be entitled to full, partial or none of their security deposit. We will also do our make-ready assessment at that time for owners.

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